Monday, November 10, 2014

Emerita Pro-Gest Natural Balancing Cream helps with many menopause symptoms including anxiety....

Emerita Pro-Gest Natural Balancing Cream helps with many menopause symptoms including anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, and other bothersome issues. It is a cream that is paraben-free cream and regulates your body's estrogen and other hormone imbalances. It helps you during menopause and perimenopause. When I was 40 I was diagnosed as having a uterine fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit and went to many doctors and they all said I needed a hysterectomy. I read Dr. John Lee's book and researched and decided to try Emerita Pro-Gest Natural Balancing Cream and the tumor shrunk over time and disappeared entirely. I certainly can't guarantee this for all women but can only tell you what it did for me...Click here to read more.

Toxic black mold can cause anxiety, depression, digestive illnesses, reproductive illnesses...

If you have anxiety/panic attacks, the reason could be inside your walls. Toxic black mold can cause anxiety, depression, digestive illnesses, reproductive illnesses like infertility and early menopause, chronic fatigue, cancer, Fibromyalgia, respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma, memory loss, bipolar disorder, insominia, brain damage, and much more...even death! Sometimes you can see it on the walls but many times it's a dangerous invisible threat. But don't worry...there's natural treatment option...Click here to find out more.

Did you know low and cortisol can cause anxiety too?

High levels of cortisol can cause anxiety too. I was having 24 hr anxiety/panic attacks where I would just have to stay in bed and not move. It was pretty scary! The doctors I saw were useless regarding this. I did my own research for this one day and with the help of my counselor found that was causing this was most likely high cortisol...a malfunction of the adrenal gland. No doctor ever bothered to test me for this. They just kept prescribing benzos! After researching online I felt better knowing that these 24 hr anxiety/panic attacks was not just happening to me...other people also had these similar attacks. Here's some links about high cortisol...Click here to read more.

Ready to buy your natural supplements and vitamins in bulk?

Ready to buy your natural supplements and vitamins in bulk? I've been buying my supplements at Puritan Pride below for decades. I save a lot of money with their great deals. Their products are high quality. So click below to find out more and see the current sale!: